Getting Close…

Well we are getting extremely close to a demo release and will be making our end of September target release date of the Public Alpha Demo.  Here are some things that have been worked on.
-if you lose all of your cash and it is equal or less than 0, it will reset to $500 for the demo, and add another notch to the Bankruptcy stat
-We are working on removing mission items if you cancel the mission, there was a potential threat of abuse to make in game money easily
-bug fixes with the case screws
-added new stats in game
-few other changes




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Tonight I was able to do the following:
–  Cleaned up graphics for the finances
–  coded the gas / electric / water usage
–  Added options for base fee to view scenario jobs (be careful don’t change your fee during a job too much or the BBB will sue you)
–  Added more of a balance in finances so the game is a bit more competitive
–  Added Mouse Sensitivity in options for mouse movement
–  Added Failure Rate in options for the Random Scenario (you can control the percentage of failure), the more there are, the more money the job is worth.

Getting Close to Demo Release

We have many who signed up already to be notified of the release when it is available. If you wish to sign up, all we plan on doing is sending you an email after we upload the demo before the end of September. Until then, here are some updates:

-Fixed a lot of bugs, including a bad Frame Rate bug
-Fixed some bugs from the forum
-Began adding monthly statements for credits / debits, trying to balance the game now



Video Demo 11

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Did a lot of updating to the graphics, fonts, and gameplay. Added a bunch of new skills / stats, along with new scenarios that involve desktop cases. Getting close to public demo release.

Todays Failure!

I received this laptop today with the issue of it won’t turn on / charge the battery. The user attempted to do a home repair, which caused a stripped screw that had to be drilled. When the board was removed, I noticed a hairline fracture on the main circuit that broke the internal traces for the power. Even if it could be repaired, it is a small chunk of the board that interfaces with the DC barrel connector, and would eventually get worse. I tried, but this is something I deem as a failed motherboard.


What kind of failures do others run into when fixing laptops?  Am I the only one who gets the off the wall issues?

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Graphics Overhaul











This update consists of the following:
-bug fixes for the tutorial, random, and scenario modes. Some were mixed
-Switching from any mode back to main menu, windows were not right, so we fixxy the bugs
-GRAPHICS are being overhauled, theme creation
-added capacitors to game
-updated intro video
-many other things not mentioned.

and 33,328 lines of code



While the graphics artist is creating a consistent scheme, and font style, I have been working on some bug fixes, and expanding into the outdoors.  This will have a special purpose later, but for now, at least you don’t feel like you are stuck in a little tiny hole in the garage.  I may add an easy garage door button to open / close it up.  Just needed to do something a bit different to expand the game experience.


Whats better than fixing computers near the ocean?