RIFT EVENT (Event Spawner)

Reference Page:

RIFT EVENT (Event Spawner) by Coldie's

Steps to Use:

1. Catch any fish.
2. Activate any fish.
3. Right click Fish Monger and Sell, check events for totals.

Author Notes:

new item in game called "Altar of Anubis" it acts like an altar as in you add items into it then sacrifice and the items get sent to Anubis, this increases the power of the Altar, when you get enough power you can activate the altar as such and spawn the mobs.

Default properties file is set up for rift mobs and items, there are 3 ranges of power, so people can do a lower power if they are weak or they can go all out and summon big stuff.

properties file

setting to true will allow players to craft their own altar, it will be created onto the ground and once fully built can't be picked up or loaded.
10 concrete, 10 stone bricks, 1 gold sheet. I originally used the gold altar model but changed to a rift model more recently. So the items don't exactly make sense with model atm.
how much power is required to spawn that tier, in this case the high end.
the ids of the mobs spawned in this tier, randomly chosen out of the choices.
the ids of the loot that can be added to the mobs spawned, randomly picked 1 item each mob.
Number of mobs spawned in this tier.
rarity of the items added to the spawns, 0 = normal, 1 = rare, 2 = supreme.
#distance from Altar mobs can spawn.
#10,10,10,10 will be an area of 21x21 which includes tile altar is on.